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A gun and bullets on a table with a judge's gavel.

Sep-08-2023 All

How Expungement Affects Gun Rights and Firearm Purchases

Expungement is a legal process that erases or seals a criminal record, affecting various aspects of an individual’s life, especially […]

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Handcuffs on a black and white background.

Sep-05-2023 All

The Differences Between Expungement, Sealing, and Pardoning

Understanding Criminal Record Clearing is crucial to navigating expungement, sealing, and pardoning legal processes. Each of these terms refers to […]

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A man writing the word post conviction on a chalkboard.

Sep-01-2023 All

The Impact of Expungement on Employment Opportunities

Expungement is a legal process that significantly impacts employment opportunities for individuals with a criminal record. Understanding the importance of […]

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two people sitting at a table with a judge's gaven.

Dec-22-2022 All

How to get a Record Expunged in Florida

If you have been arrested for a crime in Florida, it is important to know that there is a chance […]

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a close up of a police car with its lights on.

Dec-13-2022 All

Can a DUI Be Expunged?

What is a DUI? A DUI is a serious offense that can have lasting consequences. If you are convicted of […]

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expedite expungement

Dec-05-2022 All

How To Expedite the Expungement Process

The expungement process can be long and complicated, but there are ways to expedite it. If you have been wrongfully […]

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