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A magnifying glass over a document with the word denied.

Oct-04-2023 All

Challenging Cases: What to Do When Your Expungement Request is Denied

When seeking to have a criminal record erased through expungement, it can be disheartening to have your request denied. Understanding […]

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A wooden house with a question mark on it on a wooden table.

Sep-29-2023 All

The Connection Between Expungements and Housing Opportunities

Understanding the connection between expungements and housing opportunities is crucial for individuals with criminal records seeking to rebuild their lives. […]

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A pile of money and a credit card.

Sep-25-2023 All

Financial Benefits of Getting a Record Expunged: Loans, Credit, and More

Getting a record expunged can have significant financial benefits that can positively impact various aspects of your life. Before delving […]

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A lawyer in a suit sitting at a desk with a judge's gavel discussing criminal record consequences.

Sep-22-2023 All

The Long-term Consequences of a Criminal Record (And How Expungement Can Help)

A criminal record can have far-reaching consequences that extend well beyond any legal penalties served. The long-term impacts can affect […]

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A wooden gavel sits on top of a book and an american flag.

Sep-20-2023 All

State-by-State Expungement Laws: What You Need to Know

Expungement, a legal process, aims to clear or seal a person’s criminal records, erasing their past criminal conviction from public […]

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A businessman and woman shaking hands at a desk.

Sep-14-2023 All

The Psychological and Emotional Benefits of Expungement

Expungement, an important legal process, involves the sealing or erasure of criminal records, providing individuals with a fresh start and […]

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