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  • Background Check Removal
A set of wooden cubes with the words ul rebrand d.

Oct-27-2023 All

Post-Expungement: Tips for Rebuilding Your Personal Brand

Transitioning into a new phase of life after expungement can be both liberating and challenging. Expungement is the legal process […]

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Handcuffs and an american flag on a corkboard.

Oct-25-2023 All

The Economic Impact of Expungements on Communities

Expungements have a significant economic impact on communities, providing individuals with a fresh start and fostering positive changes in various […]

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A passport with a red sign next to it.

Oct-23-2023 All

How Clearing Your Record Can Make Border Crossing Easier

An expungement is a legal process that clears or erases criminal records, providing a fresh start. This article explores how […]

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A young man with handcuffs on his hands.

Oct-20-2023 All

Youth Offenses: The Importance of Expungement for a Brighter Future

When applied to youth offenses, expungement holds immense importance in shaping a brighter future for young individuals. By clearing their […]

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A blue and red keyboard with a digital footprints on it.

Oct-17-2023 All

The Role of Digital Footprints: Cleaning Up Online Records After Expungement

Digital footprints play a significant role in today’s digital age, shaping our online presence and leaving a lasting trail of […]

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Silhouettes of people in front of a map of the united states.

Oct-09-2023 All

How Expungements Impact Voting Rights in the US

Expungements, the legal process of sealing or erasing criminal records, significantly impact various aspects of an individual’s life. One specific […]

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The Expungements Press Room

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