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  • Background Check Removal
Handcuffs and money on a table.

Dec-07-2023 All

Expungement for White-Collar Crimes: A Unique Challenge

Expungement for white-collar crimes presents a unique challenge for individuals seeking to clear their records and move forward with their […]

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A wooden block with the word ngo on it.

Dec-05-2023 All

Expungement Advocacy: How NGOs are Making a Difference

Expungement advocacy is a crucial aspect of criminal justice reform, aiming to provide individuals with a second chance by clearing […]

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A red carpet with people walking along it.

Dec-01-2023 All

Celebrity Cases and Expungement: Lessons Learned

In the world of celebrities, the spotlight often shines on their successes and achievements, but what about their past mistakes? […]

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An individual with black gloves carefully handling an SSI card on a keyboard, potentially indicating involvement in identity theft or the need for expungement.

Nov-30-2023 All

Expungement and Identity Theft Victims

Expungement benefits those with a criminal record by offering a fresh start and the chance to move on from past […]

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A pen is sitting on top of a document.

Nov-27-2023 All

Role of Expungement in Professional Licensing

Expungement is crucial for professional licensing across various fields, such as healthcare, real estate, and law. It enables individuals to […]

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A wooden figure of a judge with a gavel and a family in front of it.

Nov-24-2023 All

Impact of Expungement on Child Custody Cases

People seek expungement to enhance their employment and housing prospects and to move on from past mistakes. It plays a […]

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